Thursday, July 26, 2007

One Book, One Community

Imagine - what if everyone in one community was reading the same book at the same time?

(no, we don't mean Harry Potter but we're enjoying that as well)

Just think - as with Harry Potter you'd stimulate dialogue. You could possibly meet new folks with similar interests. Libraries and communities could really build a core of like-minded people from diverse and exciting walks of life. You'd be one of the cool kids.

That's the whole purpose behind One Book One Community.

Launched in Seattle in 1998 with great success, the “One Book” concept has swept the nation, including such cities as Chicago, New York, Detroit, Philadelphia and Houston. In 2002, it hit Pennsylvania, and we've been going strong ever since. Folks that participate with us are Adams County Library System, Berks County Libraries , Cumberland County Library System, Dauphin County Library System, Library System of Lancaster County, Lebanon County Library System and the Perry County Libraries

So what is the book? Well, we're keeping it under wraps for now. You'll find out August 8th what the title is and all of the wonderful programs we have in store. To get an idea of what the books are like, here's a history of titles that were offered in York County.

2003 Tuesdays with Morrie
2004 Rocket Boys
2005 The White
2006 The Kite Runner
2007 ????

So keep your ears and eyes open; you'll read some awesome literature, there are many programs that will be available, and you'll be part of a movement that's sweeping the nation. What's not to like?


mantilla lady visits baseball's purgatory said...

If we are all going to read 'one book' about CHICAGO, let it be;
Southside Kid by L. Curt Erler
see it here

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty certain it's got nothing to do with Chicago, and everything to do with a well-written book.

mantilla lady visits baseball's purgatory said...

"Southside Kid" by L. Curt Erler
Actually - it is very much about Chicago - also about people - love and real life experiences.
Well written?
That's for the reader to decide. See it at
Mr. Erler has also written the following new release;
"Mantilla Lady: Visits Baseball's Purgatory"